Even if the singer John Lennon’s message about imagination came true, and we lived in a world where there were no fights, no wars, no racism; the message of the Cross would still be crucial. Why?
Because the real problem we have to deal with is not just the effects of sin, but it’s very presence and existence.
In other words, we are not sinners because we sin, but we sin because we are sinners. Therefore, there is no human possibility for us to be reconciled with God.
The word crucial, then, fits perfectly here, for it has two meanings: crucial means “the most urgent of all,” and it also means, from its Latin roots, “from the Cross.”
The Cross in which Jesus Christ died is the most important message you could ever hear because it doesn’t promise you a mere imagination for here and now, but through the reconciliation with God, it delivers an eternal weight of Glory.
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