The things we have are getting more disposable by the hour. Whatever we treasure today is soon to become obsolete and to be put in a museum. I remember the first cell phone, the fax machine, the huge computers. They were so valuable, but they are worthless today. Even smartphones that were at the top of the market a year ago are now outdated for the new releases of the year!
This concept of worthlessness, however, is unfortunately spreading to include human beings. The value of a man is less each day. In some countries, some will charge only a few dozens of dollars to take down someone’s life. Abortion, hatred, wars for money, racism and such things speak loudly in our society showing that the value of a soul is close to nothing.
Christianity, however, is the opposite. The parable of the Lost Sheep displays a shepherd leaving behind 99 that could feed him and pay his wages, and going after one that is wandering and lost.
My friend, you may be just like this wandering sheep without a place to rest your heart and thoughts, but the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, came down from His secure dwelling place to put His life in jeopardy and to rescue, on his shoulders, the broken-hearted such as some of us.
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