God made men and women differently: men are more likely to combat and lead, while women need to be protected and cherished. However, there are times when God uses women in very powerful ways, such was the case with Queen Esther.
The people of God were in jeopardy, and she was safe as the beloved wife of King Ahasuerus. However, she didn’t take her position for granted, and she, placing herself in danger of death, went uninvited into his presence. She would likely die for doing that, but only the King could do something to save her people, so she took the risk and said, “if I perish, I perish.”
Praise God that she had the King’s favor as he held out to her his golden sceptre and that she could go on with the plan on behalf of the Israelites. Esther was acting as her Lord Jesus: He also went to the presence of a King on behalf of His people, but, instead of receiving mercy, He had to pay with own life so that Esther and all of those who believe in Him throughout the history of the world would be saved.
Let us be as courageous as Esther: living for Him, facing the opposition of the powers of this world, and bowing to the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
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